Thursday, November 12, 2009

TAs and Professors are scary! Interns...Not so much.

Welcome to the BIOL3810 Molecular Cell Lab Intern Blog!

Hi, I'm Donna Burke.
Lab Intern Extraordinaire, Fall 2009!

Why I created this:

I, like most college-age students, have a fear of TAs and professors. I hate going to talk to them and I hate asking questions. They are smart, I don't want to waste their time with my questions that seem insignificant. This is why I created this blog, so students can talk to their peers, the interns, and get answers to the questions that seem small but are important to learning the material.

So here it is, the Molecular Cell Intern blog. This is for you, the students, to ask anything you want about Molecular Cell Lab! But as always, there are a few ground rules.....

Rules for the Blog:
  1. This blog is for BIOL3810 Molecular Cell Biology Lab ONLY!
  2. No homework answers, current lab reports, previous lab reports, past semester work, past semester exams, etc. will be tolerated. This is cheating and that's not cool.
  3. There will be NO whining about TAs, Professors, Interns, Classmates, Classwork, Lab Reports, or CTW. We can't change these...get over it.
  4. No ignorant or rude comments about questions or answers!! This is a happy place, a place for answers, this is not a place for mean spirits.
  5. Ask whatever you want, as long as it pertains to lab and the lab content!
Please remember, Interns are not gods of Molecular Lab. They did not write the lab protocols and are not experts in this field. They are here to help you understand the protocols, lab results, writing reports, and the basics of the lab. They are just undergrads, too!

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